Gas vs. Brakes

Just like a car, the human body has a gas pedal and a brake pedal… As we go through life, when we need to “speed up” our body activates the sympathetic nervous system. This is our “fight or flight” system which sends blood to our muscles while increasing breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, sweet production and so much more. This system prepares our body to “fight” or “flight” from whatever threat it is presented with. On the other side of the coin, when we need to “slow down” our body activates the parasympathetic nervous system. This is our “rest and digest” system which promotes growth, development, immune function, digestion, and sleep.

As we go through life, our bodies should be balanced between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. There are times when we need more sympathetic input like when we have a sports game, a big presentation at work or are presented with danger. There are other times when we need more parasympathetic input like when we are eating dinner, bonding with family, winding down at night, or taking a nap. The problem arises when our body gets “stuck” with one of these systems active. If we get stuck with the sympathetic system more active, this leads to high blood pressure, fatigue, and poor digestion, delayed growth, and compromised immune function. Unfortunately, this is something we see all too often in our office. People stuck with their “fight or flight” system overactive leading to countless health issues. When our “rest and digest” system becomes overactive, this is no good thing either. People who get stuck in the parasympathetic zone tend to suffer from depression.

So, we know autonomic imbalance leads to health issues, how can we promote better balance between the “gas” and “brake” pedal? Specific, targeted chiropractic adjustments promote autonomic balance and restore proper tone to the “gas” and “brake” pedal. Adding in other exercises like meditation, yoga, and bedtime tea can further restore proper balance. Going to see your chiropractor is the best way to make sure your not overusing your gas or brake pedal and you cruise through life.

Dr. Marcus Moore

Dr. Marcus Moore is the owner of Sota Chiropractic. He has a passion for working with kids, pregnant moms and all members of the family. As a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, he is a life long learner. Certified in both the Webster Technique and Torque Release Technique, he has advanced training in pediatric and prenatal care. Overall, he loves making an impact in his practice members lives and supporting his local community.

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