Vertigo and chiropractic
Do you feel like the room is spinning? When you stand up, do you get dizzy? If so, you may be experiencing vertigo. Vertigo is defined as “a sensation of whirling and loss of balance”. The most common cause of vertigo is a condition called BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo). BPPV typically causes severe episodes of vertigo that are brief (usually < 1 minute) and associated with movement of the head.
To understand BPPV, we first need to talk about how our inner ear regulates balance. Inside our ear, there are 3 semicircular canals that are filled with fluid and contain tiny hair-like sensors. Tiny crystals in the canals called otoliths work with the hair-like sensors to monitor motion. Due to a variety of causes, these otoliths can become dislodged leading to vertigo.
Chiropractic care for vertigo focuses on 2 major healing effects. First, cervical adjustments in the top of the neck activate proprioceptors (receptors that monitor movement and position) to help your body improve balance. Second, a specific exercise called the Epley’s Maneuver is used to encourage the relocation of otoliths to the proper position. In this way, we help fix the underlying cause why supporting your body’s ability to interpret where it is in space.