Do chiropractors turn breached babies?
The short answer is… no… That would be quite interesting if we did… However, that doesn’t mean that chiropractic care isn’t beneficial for promoting a normal, head-down position in the uterus. Let me explain.
As your baby is growing and developing, they begin to take up more space in your uterus and pelvis. This area is made up of your sacrum, and pelvis along with various muscles and ligaments. As your baby continues to get bigger, it puts more stress on these structures. Oftentimes, moms will start having pain develop during this time period. However, pain is not the only issue. The muscles and ligaments in this area attach to the pelvis, sacrum, and uterus itself. If there is improper mechanics of the pelvis and sacrum, it can create tension on the ligaments which then “pull on the uterus”. This abnormal tension and torsion affects your baby's position as it continues to grow. This can lead to your baby having difficulty assuming a normal head-down position along with discomfort for you!
The Webster Technique is a system of analysis and adjusting to optimize the function of the sacrum and pelvis along with the surrounding muscles and ligaments. By promoting optimal function, it supports a more comfortable pregnancy for you and promotes a healthy head-down position for your baby. Everyone wins!